
Even in the quietest moments…The peace that passes all understanding…Be still my beating heart. Various During a retreat, the advice largely given to a range of student questions ranged from “No thinking” to “have a banana”. This was cause for my daughter to quip when asked: “where is your father?” […]

Hush Now (Stillness)

Fitness Tracker
I have been wearing a fitness tracker for a while now and have noticed that the resting heart rate can lower remarkably during a period of meditation.   This morning I also noted, via the tracker, that an hour of sitting meditation with a combination of physical stillness and lowered pulse rate […]

Fitness trackers and meditation ;-)

So we are talking about friendliness (metta) thus meta-friendliness (see what i did there?). A common saying amongst those that practice seems to be “Sabbe sattā sukhi hontu”  meant as  “May all beings be well (or happy)”.  And usually translated as: Sabbe = all Sattā  = beings Sukhi = happy Hontu = […]


Whilst working here in Ottawa I wondered if there were any Theravadans in town and google came up with Ottawa Buddhist Vihara this was a convenient distance from my hotel so after the conference on Friday I walked down to have a look. By first inspection it looked closed however […]

When in Ottawa